Make next season your best ever with a smarter approach to training. As movement and performance specialists we pride ourselves on unlocking your training potential. Learn how to move better, be stronger and race faster.
Move Better, Perform Better this Winter
Our training services offer total support to the recreational athlete. You can expect to receive high level support and expert guidance as part of any of our packages to help take your training to the next level. We offer support to every level and ability.
What Others Are Saying:
“Just a note of thanks for the great course. I really found it useful and enjoyable. I am even wondering if the Cardiff Half is possible!” Tom
“Enjoyed tonight’s session. If only my arms would listen! Thanks for the lovely T-shirt. Great colour.” Hazel
We also offer bespoke services/packages to meet your individual needs. Please contact to discuss.
Join us on Facebook
JM Running Group Facebook page has been set up to support runners of all levels. We meet weekly in Llandysul Park for structured coaching sessions which are open to all abilities.